If at least once in your life you have met a person who has lost their phone or had it stolen, in that case, you should know that these situations are solvable. It is the IMEI number that is needed in situations where such an event occurs.
We are sure that you are familiar with this term, but if you are not familiar enough with it, you should know the following – International Mobile Equipment Identity or IMEI is the number that rescues lost devices and returns stolen ones.
It is a 15-digit number that is of great help at times of investigation. This number is actually in the phone device itself, embedded in the codes and configuration, and by simply entering this number by the security services, devices that are listed as unavailable or missing can be reached, and the number can be checked by you as well. using services like IMEI24.
The number is equally important for everyone, which means it is important for Apple users as well as for those who use Samsung mobile devices.
Wondering if this number is changing? This question is debatable, but we talk much more about this topic in the continuation of today’s article, so let’s see what every iPhone or Samsung owner needs to know about the IMEI number. Let’s get started!
IMEI Numbers and Everything Related to Them

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As we have already said above, IMEI numbers are left from 15 digits. These are the most important digits for a mobile device. Any number of this type can be found in a database called the Equipment Identity Register. That register contains all such numbers to check the location of the device according to the SMS messages that were sent or the calls that were made from the device itself while it was missing.
This number also gives the possibility to check the device without it being with you, to check the location of the device, the model, when it was manufactured and many other important and not so important information.
Is It Legal and Can the IMEI Number Be Changed at All?
This multi-digit number can be changed, that’s true. But it is good to know that in almost all countries in the world, it is illegal to do such a thing for several reasons, the most important of which is that the security of the person whose phone is in question can be jeopardized during the change, but they can also be endangered in general a large number of procedures of a security nature in the future.
That’s why it’s good to know that this number is not legal to change either on iPhone or Samsung, although the procedure is known, using special rooting equipment requires knowledge, but it is still considered illegal.
How to Change the IMEI Number of A Samsung Device?
Changing the IMEI number of a Samsung device is easy if you have specialized software. This software should first of all be used by a professional who is as deep as possible in the use and method of changing IMEI numbers.
He can change the IMEI number by changing the settings in the phone, but also by changing the motherboard of the phone, but be very careful, because this process is prohibited, illegal, and counter-secure, which means that you compromise the security, checks, and everything for which the old IMEI number would be useful in the future.
How to Do the Same on An iPhone Device?
Although many people did not know or had a misconception about whether it is possible to change the IMEI number on an iPhone mobile phone, we will confirm to you – that the change can be made on this device as well.
Just like with other phones, for this brand and these phones, it is necessary to use specialized software that through rooting and changing the settings can succeed in changing the 15 digits of the IMEI. The software may be slightly different, but still, they have the same purpose and it takes a professional to do it all the same. However, this process continues and any change is illegal and prohibited in almost all countries of the world.
What Can You Do Instead of Changing Your IMEI Number?

Source: freepik.com
If you have a specific problem or a security situation, we suggest that you do the following to change the IMEI number of your Apple or Samsung device:
- If you have a problem with a stolen or lost phone, it is best to report it to the security services so they can help with the investigation and get your phone safely back to you.
- If you have any information that needs to be destroyed or you want to destroy the telephone device in general, it is best to submit it for destruction, which will make it impossible to put the same device into use again.
- If you want not to be found by a person whom you do not want to communicate with, you can only change your phone device, but not change the IMEI number, because it is important for you and your safety, but also for the safety of the phone you are using.
The IMEI number, included into every mobile phone, is the most important multi-digit number that can be found on the patch of mobile devices. This number is the key to the truth in a very large number of situations, but also the door to the solution for successfully finding mobile devices.
No country allows changes to these numbers, so it’s good to know what the number means, and how important it is, but above all, know that it’s illegal to change it. According to this, no Samsung or iPhone device can get a change in its IMEI number, as long as that change is not illegal with the help of equipment that allows it, which is important for something punishable under all laws.