These are hard times for people who enjoy excuses when it comes to being active and keeping the body in shape and good health condition. Being overweight or fat is having more body fat than is optimally healthy. Being overweight, also, is especially common where food supplies are plentiful and lifestyles are inactive. In modern times, obesity is treated as a disease, since for so many life-threatening illnesses it is the number one cause. People all around the world are struggling for years and decades to find the best way to lose weight in order to bring their body in better shape, cure illnesses, or just became better looking or feeling lighter.
In times like these, when the coronavirus pandemic shortens our physical activities, we try to find suitable ways to maintain or lose some weight. If you are having trouble with choosing the best way to achieve your goal weight, find below how technology can be helpful through the process of losing weight:
1. Set a goal and real timeframe

To achieve great results, a plan is a must. You have to be clear with yourself about the goal weight you want to achieve and to track down the real timeframe in that you can reach the goal. In order to do so, and avoid going to a various specialist and spend money for it, you can find an app for your phone where you can register and input your current weight, height, age, gender, daily habits, and your goal, so the app can calculate your timeframe for achieving it and also info about the best way to do so. These apps are giving you also information about healthy ways and milestones on your way. Do not set a fast reaching goal, that can cause your health problems like bad blood to analyze or low immunity. There are also features only to remind you to hydrate, which is an important thing while losing weight. Also, you can include all the supplements, tonics, and drink mixes described on to your plan, and these apps will calculate your daily calorie intake, considering the nutritional values of the drinks you take to stay fit.
2. You don’t have to put yourself through this alone

A big part of the research is telling us that you’re you have a better chance to maintain a diet plan if you have support, emotional and physical, the motivation for better eating and hard work out is much bigger if someone you value and care about is doing that together with you or at least supports you in every step of your way. Some weight losers count on family and friends for support, even if this is only through keeping up with the results on social media. You can post and start a diet diary where you can post about all the ups and downs of your weight loss journey—the personal struggles and frustrations, breakthroughs, and successes. While writing everything down, you can make before and after pictures so you can see your transformation through the whole process.
3. Get you some healthy eating habit

You are not a doctor or a nutritionist, so you cannot be sure about the calorie intake you should do around the day and also can not estimate how much calories an egg or a banana has. The key point of losing weight is not being hungry but eating the right things. You can always search and read articles with menus but for people who want to keep it simple and do not have the time to spend in the kitchen cooking 3 or 4 meals a day, a calorie calculator is a right thing. Most of the apps allow you to scan food and drink barcodes so you can calculate the daily intake of calories. For your EAA Supplement Guide you can click here.
4. Keeping track of your workouts

Using gadgets like smartwatch you can track your accomplishments after every workout. Not just the time you spend doing it, but the calories you spend while doing it. With time, you can get a bigger picture of the activities and what is better for your body, but also for your time management. These go for calories burned by different types of exercise, with the list including swimming, cycling, and running, but useful also for indoor activities in case you are not feeling like exercising outside. These gadgets can also track your walking activities during the day, so you can include these activities into your daily diary and measure your heart rate in case you have cardiovascular issues.
5. Home workouts

While coronavirus lockdown restrictions are still active, there are not many options to work out indoors, so you have to move your exercise plan at home. Switching to a home workout routine isn’t easy if you’re used to going to a class or the gym. The easiest way to begin with a home workout is through a workout video followed by tips and tricks from an instructor. Live or recorded videos are normally 25-45 minutes and often require no fitness equipment or you get ideas on how to make your own improvised equipment at home, making it easy to start and keep your workout routine.
6. Beauty sleep

Yes, eating the right things and doing enough exercise are the most important things while losing weight, but you have to let your body have its rest and sleep that it needs. You surely don’t want your body to lose energy and due to that, not be able to maintain the basic requirements during the day, not the mention the regular workouts that you have planned. If you find going to bed or sleeping through the night hard and not manageable, you can help yourself by using the sleeping trackers apps and their features like calming music to get your beauty sleep.
Having everything in mind, don’t forget to listen to yourself and your body, since only you can tell and see what is best for you and how to achieve your goals. You just have to find the right way and the right app for you to keep you on track.