The right server is the key to running applications. Your needs will sometimes require more server capacity and sometimes less. Also, sometimes you will need only a few of them, while sometimes you will need hundreds of them. Regardless, wouldn’t it be pretty relieving if you could bypass that traditional way of getting a server? We all know how long this process takes and how expensive it can be. The process further implies the search for the purchase of suitable hardware, the price of which must be in line with your budget. In the end, when you manage to access your servers with it, you remain stuck. From that moment on, your attention will always have to be on them. Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud makes it easier and faster to get virtual servers. They are also known as cloud computing instances.
Many types of instances have been designed to adapt to different user needs. They can be more affordable for your budget, lower capacity, and simpler performance that makes them perfect for smaller applications. On the other hand, they can be grouped and designed to accommodate higher workloads and larger applications. Optimized multi-purpose instances provide the ability to find the right combination of price and performance for any application you want to run. Due to the increase in the volume of business, it is possible to change the performance of instances, following the existing demand.
This only scratched the surface a little. Now that we have your attention, take a look at the following lines.
What is Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud?

Amazon EC2 is a cloud computing capacity designed for those who need more server capacity to run applications. The traditional way to get to the required server so far has been quite complicated and expensive and involved investing in hardware that has proven to be an impractical solution, among other things, due to the amount required. With Amazon EC2 it’s possible to rent as much virtual capacity as you need. There are many other advantages, such as easier networking, numerous security measures, and professional storage management. It used to take a lot more time to switch to better performance due to the jump in popularity of the app, but thanks to this it now only takes a few minutes to switch. Depending on the demand requirements, you can quickly and easily improve performance without having to predict how large the volume will be.
1. Easier to find the necessary servers

Once you have defined the performance of your application, you need to start looking for the right server. In this case, instead of endlessly searching on your own without adequate recommendations and help, Amazon EC2 finds them for you, depending on your needs. Developers know how complicated and exhausting this process can be when you go through it alone, but don’t worry because your best assistant has just arrived.
Simply select the desired instance type and the desired pattern depending on whether you need one that is adapted to the Windows or Linus operating system.
2. Understanding your needs
One of the best features of Amazon EC2 is the ability to understand your needs and to suggest what is best for you. What exactly is meant? Amazon EC2 has the option of using very useful tools thanks to which you can save a lot of time and money. This tool allows you to communicate with Amazon so you can present your application and highlight all the features.
Based on that, this tool can find a server with perfect features that suits your project. This means a perfect amount of memory, appropriate graphics, storage capacity, but also enough power to cope with your requirements. It’s very important to emphasize the word “enough” because that way we save your money. If the power is excessive, you will have to pay more and you will not use its full capacity. This way, you only pay for as much power as you need.
3. Flexibility of choice

Amazon’s virtual cloud leaves every user with the flexibility of choice. You don’t have to like the recommendation you get from the aforementioned tool, nor do you have to accept it. If you don’t like the results offered, Amazon offers you more ways to come up with the best possible solution for yourself.
So, after all, there is an option that offers you the choice to choose for yourself everything you need and what you are looking for from one software. This includes the type and power of the processor, memory, graphics, and other components.
4. Amazon EC2 Pricing Explained
The pricing system is complex and flexible and, according to Parquantix, offers a wide range of options to suit different requirements. To understand the billing system, you will need a little more research, but you should know that there are situations in which it is not fixed, which is another added benefit for users.
Once you opt for certain instances, you only pay the price of what you use. After stopping instances, you must be aware that you no longer have any long-term obligations, hidden costs, unpaid obligations, and other costs unknown to you that you will have to pay at some point. Likewise, if you notice a dizzying improvement in user traffic on your application and your project takes on larger dimensions, you can request an increase in capacity at any time in terms of required CPU power, graphics, memory, and storage space. With regular payment, you will get your features in an improved form very quickly, without the need for a few days of waiting, as before.
On the other hand, reserved prices allow the establishment of some discounts on demand with a low one-time payment.
Spot prices are a special convenience that allows you to suggest the price you are willing to pay. Of course, following the price situation on the market and being guided by it. With this auction, you get the opportunity to pay at the price you propose, if your proposal is accepted.
5. Improved security

Application security comes first for all developers. That’s why Amazon EC2 has prepared several safety features to help you sleep peacefully. The instances you select are hosted on a Virtual Private Cloud over which only you have control, and only you can access it. Of course, and those who have your permission to access.
Also, other network security tools are available. Some of them allow you to monitor your instances and establish control over who can access them. Another way to increase security measures is to connect to the local network via a VPN device.
In addition to so many features available that save you time and money, it is really unnecessary to take risks and look for servers conventionally, much less buy and maintain them yourself.