We know that gaming can turn out to be so exciting that we forget to take a break and go to eat something. But what if you feel a sudden hunger right in the middle of a severe battle?
Right, snacks will be your saviors! And since convenience is our all when gaming, we decided to go through the most popular snacks that gaming fans grab while building civilizations and destroying enemies.
What to Eat If You Are Too Busy Gaming?
Perhaps, once it used to be a point of concern, but today the huge variety of all sorts of snacks allows gamers to fill their guts without even visiting the kitchen. Just get your fave meals delivered by a delivery service like IdealNutritionNow.com
No need to waste time cooking or rushing to the nearest shop to buy some food – everything is right here, just reach your hand!
Sounds great, doesn’t it?
But what do gamers prefer eating most of all, have you ever asked yourself about that?
Since the basic requirement for such food is the ability to consume it without being distracted from what is going on on the screen and, preferably, not grease yourself and the keyboard, the number of potential snacks gets smaller.
No burgers, salads, or sausages. But what to eat then?
1. French fries

Source: unsplash.com
Good old French fries may not be the healthiest foodstuff in the world but hey, they are so handy and delicious! These golden-yellow potato sticks taste awesome as they are or when paired with any sauce, besides, they are very easy to grab.
The only disadvantage is that they are rather greasy and you will anyway need a napkin if you don’t want to leave the oily fingermarks all over the place.
2. Nachos
A bit of a Mexican flare. Today this snack turned into a true gastronomical feast: different tastes, spicy and not, made of different kinds of flour (not only corn!) – anyone can choose the snack according to their taste.
In addition, these flat crispy yummies are way less greasy compared to french fries so it is fine if you forget to bring a box of tissues with you!
3. Popcorn

Source: unsplash.com
Yes, that’s him! Good old popped corn kernels are back again! Did you think this snack can be eaten in the cinemas only? If yes, then let us surprise you: quite many gamers find it to be very handy stuff to eat when being in the middle of the virtual battle.
Popped kernels are small and easy to take, they are not sticky and have no grease on them which means that your gaming tools (e.g. keyboard, mouse, etc.) will be safe and sound, and moreover, they are so tasty!
In addition, it is not a problem to make yourself some more: just toss the packet into the microwave and wait for several minutes. The only thing to remember is that popcorn can still expire so check the expiry date on the packet before heating and consuming it.
4. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken)
Delicious, cheap, easy to eat while gaming – what else can we ask for? Well, yes, maybe a bit less of grease would be just fine!
5. Chocolate candy
These can probably hardly be called a snack since sweets are not nutritious unlike the foods described above, but who cares? And if you are a sweet tooth, then why not throw some into your mouth while you are getting closer to the victory?
6. Pizza rolls
Yes, not everyone likes them, but if you do then these portioned rolled yummies can perfectly soothe your hunger. They are easy to take and the same easy to eat which is a huge plus for a busy gamer. Besides, they don’t grease all over so much as a piece of pizza would do. And finally, a whole pack of forty pieces will cost you about only three dollars!
7. Fried chicken skin
A lot of brands exist that produce this delicious foodstuff so we leave it up to you to decide which one to pick. But no matter the brand, these crunchy, flavorous, and – what is very important! – no-grease fried stripes of chicken skin are among the top snacks for any gamer. If he or she is not a vegetarian, of course.
8. Cheese cracker

Source: unsplash.com
Crispy, cheesy, quick to make you full – an ideal candidate to become a staple on your gaming table. Besides, it is possible to choose between several different flavors.
9. Beef jerky
Those who can’t imagine a good game without a portion of something meaty will definitely include this snack into their must-have list!
It is healthier compared to potato chips, for instance, and besides, various brands offer different flavors which will make your virtual battle even more varied!
10. String cheese
Again, if you can’t live without cheese, this snack must be beside you when you win!
It is one of the healthiest foodstuffs that gamers usually consume but moreover, it has several other benefits.
It is easy to grab since the strings are easily separated from each other. It is easy to eat. Besides, such cheese leaves no grease and oily marks on you and your tools, and that means the controller will be always clean (a dream or any gamer, perhaps!).
Finally, it is easy to find different brands that offer various flavors, etc, which means that you don’t have to eat all the same things during each game.
Healthy Substitutions For the Gaming Snacks
Not everyone likes fatty foods, besides, quite many people don’t consume meaty goodies at all (yes, we mean vegetarians and vegans).
So what shall they do if it so happened that they love gaming and need to somehow survive and not starve themselves to death in front of the monitor?
Don’t worry, we prepared several handy hints for you guys as well!
1. Frozen grapes

Source: unsplash.com
These fruits, when being taken off the stem and frozen hard, remind of hard candy. Sweet, a bit sour, icy and juicy – these can be a perfect treat on a hot summer day especially.
2. Veg sticks
May sound strange but they are simply veggies cut in sticks longwise. Sweet pepper, carrots, cucumbers – anything hard enough with not too much juice (remember you don’t want to swine over the controller!).
3. Cheese cubes
Any hard cheese will do for this purpose. Cut it in small cubes that can be easily grabbed with one hand, and keep on conquering the world!