Though exciting and full of unexpected twists and turns, your college life can be dreary, hectic, and overwhelming at times. According to education experts and writing consultants working at PapersOwl, an online educational portal, lots of college students experience anxiety and chronic fatigue because they cannot cope with their homework and urgent assignments. To top it all off, a vast majority of students find part-time jobs to stay afloat financially during their college years, which robes them even more of previous time and energy they could otherwise spend on studies. That’s where tech and modern apps come in and save the day. There are applications that have been created with students in mind. Not only do they help assimilate knowledge quicker and improve students’ learning skills, but also help manage time more efficiently and live a healthier and more rewarding life. Below are the apps that may come a long way towards helping you declutter your own college life.
1. School Planner
The first app is called School Planner. It’s a must-have for any student who wants to organize their assignments and courses in a more efficient manner. For starters, by inputting your homework, exams, or projects, the app will remind you of any of your due dates. Plus, on the main page it will show you what daily tasks need to be completed, as well as any upcoming events so you can plan ahead. You can set basic reminders for anything from your workout session to proofreading your final essay draft. If you add courses to your School Planner, it will immediately create a beautiful schedule in the timetable sections. And the coolest feature is that your app will show you an estimation of your overall grade based on all of your quizzes, homework and project scores that you add in. Thus, you’ll be able to keep track of your academic successfulness and improve your performance if need be.
2. Brilliant
Another perfect application you should consider installing is Brilliant. As its very name suggests, this app is the idea option for students, especially those who want to gain a better understanding of such subjects as Math, Science, or Computer Science. It doesn’t focus on these three subjects and strays away from the traditional way of learning such as memorizing formulas or reading miles of boring text. Instead it would teach you though e-learning. Brilliant will include well-written explanations that are easy to follow and understand. What’s more, this app can help you practice your analytical skills by encouraging you to solve fun interactive problems. There are also multiple choice questions, equations, graphs, pictures, and slides that will keep your brain working even in the times of idleness. Take up daily challenges, do some mathematics or physics to freshen up your mental capabilities. If you’re curious, some of the topics include mathematical basics, algebra, geometry, stats, calculus, and even advanced mathematics for the students that specialize in similar areas. For Science, they have physics, chemistry, quantum mechanics, applied science, and more.
3. Chegg Books

Tuition fees that keep rising all the time isn’t the only thing students have to fork out on. There is also accommodation, tech, lab, transportation, and other fees that can literally break learners’ bank account. What’s more, it’s necessary to get tons of textbook, guides, e-books, and other learning materials to successfully pass your course. Luckily, Chegg Books can help you rent and purchase used book from other students. You can save up to 90 percent if you rely on Chegg. Once you’re done with your textbooks, you can sell them for other people. Thus, you’ll earn some extra cash and help others. Also, note that you can exchange, buy, and sell other school supplier using the app in question.
4. Grammarly

The talent to write is almost an innate one. Of course, writing apps are not a magic wand that can transform a piece of poor writing into a fascinating one in the blink of an eye. That being said, a good writing app can spare you’re the bother of editing and proofreading long texts and offer some sound improvements to your draft. Grammarly is one of the most popular apps that can do this quickly. It won’t instantly grant you Shakespearean talent, but will check your essay for grammar, proper word use, punctuation, and syntactical errors. Thus, with Grammarly’s help you’ll be able to impress your instructor with elegant style, impeccable spelling, and correct use of grammar. You can also integrate this handy app into chat messages and email sync it between all your devices to be able to access it anytime, anywhere.
5. Mendeley

There is no chance of you getting high grades for your written assignments if you don’t know how to research topics properly. But even those students who are experts at gathering sources and analyzing them effectively may end up plagiarizing. Unwittingly, of course. The problem is students often fail to give proper credit to the authors whose ideas, opinions, and findings they mention in their papers. Unlike other popular Android formatting applications that work with a couple popular citation styles, Mendeley has over 7000 style formats at its disposal to quickly help you create a references or bibliography page, as well as cite your sources in-text according to MLA, APA, Turabian, IEEE, AMA, Oxford, and other standards. You can annotate your sources at the research stage. As you progress with your paper, you can highlight specific areas of your text in different colors, add sticky notes, and convert your documents to PDFs.
Bottom Line
They often say that tech distracts students from learning. But if you install the apps mentioned on our list onto your Android smartphone or other device, the odds are good you’ll boost your academic performance and productivity. Hopefully, you’ll get more organized, manage to hone in on your studies, and start delivering more effective papers. Prove the educational power of technology to academia.