IQ tests play a big role in school admissions and career development. They predict future success and help identify weaknesses or strengths in students’ abilities. Are they really useful? Or are our test scores becoming outdated? IQ tests are taken very seriously these days. This test measures your ability to perform tasks or solve problems under specific conditions. Some schools even require students to take this type of test before they enter high school. The point is, it can affect whether someone gets into college or not. Unfortunately, some companies don’t want anyone who scored too low on their standard test. Are you worried about taking an IQ test?
Today, we live in a world where the information age has become the knowledge age. More and more people rely on computers rather than books for information. In fact, according to the World Economic Forum, the number of adults using computers increased from 2% in 1990 to 80% in 2024, reaching almost 4.5 billion. There are now over 9.1 million new jobs created every month because of technological advancements. If you want to get ahead, you need to follow the latest trends in science and technology, and here intelligence also plays a role, which is important so that you can fit in, manage and function smoothly.
IQ tests are very important tools designed to measure intelligence. The general idea behind IQ Tests is that they try to correlate brain functions with academic performance. These tests aim at measuring both cognitive skills (such as reasoning) and non-cognitive skills (such as personality traits). IQ tests are very important tools designed to measure intelligence. The general idea behind IQ Tests is that they try to correlate brain functions with academic performance. These tests measure cognitive skills, such as reasoning and non-cognitive skills. However, an enneagram test is used to measure non-cognitive and emotional intelligence and determine a person’s personality traits. You can find free enneagram tests at, so if you are interested in discovering your personality traits, we recommend it.
Technology has revolutionized the way people take these tests. Nowadays, there are apps and websites like that let you practice using your phone or computer during the exam. This helps improve your mental speed and accuracy. In addition, some new technologies can even increase your IQ score! However, it is clear to us that technology is slowly becoming an integral part of everyday functioning and that even in these tests it has its share. So let’s see together how it improves intelligence testing and how it can help us test ourselves faster, but also get quick and accurate results. In the following, we see it through the 8 ways.
8 Ways Technology Has Enabled Technological, Enhanced, and Computerized Ease of IQ Discovery

Although we are used to those old standard IQ tests, those tests are a thing of the past. Why are you wondering? Because technology and progress provide new ways to test the intelligence of candidates, some of which we present to you today. Today you will get acquainted with the 8 ways in which technology and progress provide an opportunity to check intelligence, and we find out what they are below.
1. Multiple choice questions (MCQ)
Multiple Choice Questionnaire tests measure various aspects of cognitive functioning, including verbal reasoning and non-verbal intelligence. MCQ tests are sensitive in detecting early cognitive decline. These types of tests are not only useful for measuring general intellectual abilities, but they can also provide insight into specific learning disabilities and attention disorders. MCQs can vary widely in terms of their length and number of items per question.
2. Picture Recognition Test (PRT)
PRTs require participants to identify images of famous people or objects after viewing them briefly. Studies suggest that the use of PRTs may be a valuable tool to assess memory and visual recognition problems.
3. Similarities subtest
Similarity tasks assess a person’s capacity for abstract reasoning and judgment regarding similarities between concepts. There are two types of similarity tasks – paired associate and word pair tests. Paired associates involve matching pairs of words to pictures, while word pair tasks present pairs of words followed by a picture containing both words. People who perform well on paired associates tend to do poorly on word pair tests, suggesting that these two types of measures tap different components of cognition.
4. Riddles/Anagrams

Anagrams and riddles are often included in intelligence tests. Like word association tests, people who excel at solving riddles demonstrate superior language and grammar knowledge. The goal of completing word puzzles like crosswords is to improve your vocabulary and brain function, but it’s always a problem when you get stuck on a puzzle. That’s why you can visit and find the solution to your puzzle to get unstuck and proceed with the next challenge..
5. Tower of Hanoi
In the Tower of Hanoi task, three blocks of varying sizes are placed on top of each other. Participants are then given a smaller block and asked to move it onto the base without disturbing any of the larger blocks. The person who successfully moves the third block off the stack first wins. This activity requires spatial skills, problem-solving, and planning skills.
6. Number Series
Number series tests require subjects to repeat sequences of numbers either forwards or backward. A typical number series test contains 20 elements, where the last element is repeated twice. This type of test may reveal deficits in working memory.
7. Sentence Completion
Sentence completion tasks ask participants to complete missing words in sentences. While sentence completion tasks are considered relatively simple, they can still detect impairments in executive function and processing speed.
8. Vocabulary

Vocabulary tests are commonly used to index verbal intelligence and verbal fluency. They consist of a list of words presented to the participant, who then selects the correct synonyms for those words. Vocabulary tests show good sensitivity in identifying individuals affected by Alzheimer’s disease, traumatic brain injury, mild cognitive impairment, dementia, and schizophrenia.
All these methods have already been modernized and computerized thanks to the advancement of technology and are already used on many occasions to determine the height of the level of intelligence, but also to find out other important details about human health and well-being.
According to Cynthia from PersonalityMax, it is of great importance to conduct intelligence tests to get the right information about the readiness of a future employee or student at one of the universities. However, these tests are changing and are slowly becoming digitized, improved, and visibly changed than before, which means that information can be obtained faster, but also accurate directions are obtained that will lead to making the right decisions in the recruitment processes, but also in the processes of job search and appropriate education.