Whether you work a full-time job or run a business, you’ll agree that it can be very difficult to manage your money. If you do not keep a close eye on your finances, you’re going to experience a lot of problems. You’ll overspend and get yourself into trouble. To prevent this from happening, you need to find ways to make it easier to manage your money. Thankfully, you’ll find that using your smartphone may be the best option. Within this guide, you’ll find ways that your smartphone can help protect your money.
The Calculator

Source: tomsguide.com
While you graduated high-school and college, your math is poor. Don’t worry. You’re not the only one. A lot of people have trouble in this area. The good news is that most people have a smartphone. And, that smartphone likely has a calculator app. If you find yourself in a difficult spot and you need to find out how much something is going to cost, you should use the calculator. By doing so, you’ll be able to find out the price after a discount or after taxes.
Use your smartphone’s calculator to your advantage and you’ll be able to avoid overspending.
Track Your spending
Furthermore, you should know that some smartphone apps are designed to help track your spending. This is a good option because a lot of people have trouble here. With the Spending Track or Money Lover, you’ll be able to track your spending without any difficulty. Many of these apps are available for free so you’ll want to use them. By tracking your spending, you’ll know how much you’ve spent during the week. You’ll be able to use this information to find ways to save money. You can cut spending in certain areas and save money.
If you want to know where your money is going each month, you should use one of these apps.
Bank App

Source: cnbc.com
At this point, most banks allow consumers to check their bank account information online. You’ll want to use this to your advantage. You never know how much money you have in your bank account. So, you’ll want to take advantage of online banking. Within a few seconds, you’ll be able to check your account and find out how much you have. This is a good way to avoid spending too much. Your bank likely has a smartphone app too. Using the app is the easiest way to check your balance. Download it to your phone and you’ll be glad that you did.
Money Lenders
Many money lenders have released mobile apps. It is a good idea to use them because they can make things easier. With the mobile app, you can check for the latest loan rates and updates as well as your loan application status. Through the app, you can get the best loan deals through the Lending Bee. With a money lending mobile app, you’ll be able to take out a loan in a matter of seconds. Furthermore, you can pay your next payment through the app. Or, you might be able to check it to apply for a loan. The possibilities are endless but you’ll want to use these apps because they’ll make things easier.
Personal Capital

Source: personalcapital.com
Some people like trading stocks and bonds. If you fit into this category, you’ll want to think about downloading a wealth management app. Personal Capital is one of the best. With this app, you’ll be able to manage all of your investments and assets. Furthermore, you can use the app to keep track of your spending accounts. The app is compatible with more than 14,000 financial institutions so it’ll likely work with your bank too. If you want to keep an eye on your investments throughout the day, using this app is highly recommended.
Bill Pay Apps
Finally, you’ll want to take advantage of bill payment apps. Do you often forget to pay your bills? If so, you’re going to be forced to pay a late payment. To avoid this problem, you should use a bill payment app such as Prism. With this app, you’ll be able to automate the process of paying your bills. This is very helpful because you can guarantee that your bills will be paid on time. It is pertinent to use your smartphone to make your life easier. Be sure to take advantage of the aforementioned apps because they can help you protect your finances.
Investment Apps

Source: bankrate.com
One of the best ways to sort out your finances is by adding more money to the pot. This ensures that you’re able to keep track of your investments easily. Furthermore, you can use investment apps to research potential investments. This is a good way to learn more about new investment opportunities. If you find an investment that you like, you should research it first. You shouldn’t hand over your money until you’re positive that it is a good choice. Using your smartphone and certain apps is a good way to achieve this goal.
Use Mint
Finally, you should think about using Mint. This personal finance app is available from Mint. The company can help you maintain a thorough piece of your finances. For instance, you can use the app to keep track of your credit cards, debit cards, and savings. You’ll also be able to use the app to analyze your transactions and learn more about the way you’re spending money. The app works as a budget tracker and planner ensuring that it’ll be very helpful. You can also use Mint to keep an eye on your credit score. Be sure to use this app to your benefit because it’ll make managing your finances much easier.
Quick Access To Financial Institution

Source: pexels.com
The iPhone also gives consumers instant access to their financial institutions. If a financial problem arises out of nowhere, a consumer can utilize their iPhone to contact their bank directly. Not only does this reduce the time and hassle of driving to the bank but also decreases stress and anxiety.
American consumers are good about keeping their wits in stressful situations. For example, a consumer discovers an unusual transaction listed on his online bank account record. His anxiety is out of the roof but instead of going postal, he instantly contacts his financial institution to report the transaction. The bank clears up the issue and the consumer is permitted to continue his daily routine with little to no delay.