A good massage after returning from a long day at work, we all dream about it, but it generally costs a lot. An alternative exists: massage seats, but what are they worth? Head to several stores that offer massage seats for sale. Click here to check all the best full body massage chairs for everyone, for all budgets.
When you sit on the seat, you feel balls that make small circles in the back; they rise and fall, with more or less pressure: Shiatsu technique. In some seats, the massage balls are sometimes heated. There are even some which contain a gel so that the balls are softer so that it is more pleasant for the person who is massaged, and it is very evident.
Mental benefits of using the massage chair

Source: made-in-china.com
This is not what is implied, and no one is mentally ill. On the other hand, one can get tired mentally; life is rough enough that it can happen at any time of the day. Therefore, the first thing that the massage chair provides us with on this level is the positive influence of our emotional state. That is to say that massage in general, but especially with this material, guarantees an evacuation of daily stress. It makes a lot of sense and is worth trying since our entire body is treated to be completely relaxed. It is an intake not to be minimized. Still, it is not much compared to the second intake, which is the stimulation of our mental faculties by increased secretion of endorphin. This hormone helps the brain make us more joyful but, above all, to sharpen our concentration. Sport and listening to good music have a similar effect, but this is much more easily gained pleasure. Besides, it is a combination of the strengths of these two activities, given that with sport, the body is more forward than the mind. With music, the body is not affected overall, two simultaneous qualities produced by massage chairs. Besides, we are now going to look a little more at this physical contribution.
Physical benefits of using the massage chair

Source: bestmassagechairsguide.com
It sounds obvious, but it is much more magical than it may seem because, above all, we have blood that circulates better. By transition, blood is closely linked to the transport of oxygen in our body and also linked to the function of the heart; each of these activities of the bare positively sharpened. Also, what would a massage be without touching the muscles of the body? Yes, that is the essence of this term; nevertheless, one does not have to pay or disturb someone, and one is thus not exposed to the risk of falling on a bad amateur masseur. As a result, this modern method provides more effects, including through vibration, to every part of the body, including the joints. The massage chair is then handy for those in the treatment of an illness or entirely only for people searching for energy supplies. Another advantage is the ease of access to this machine since the different hardware options, the various existing models, as well as the wide variety of prices, will facilitate our choice.
Do these seats relieve back pain?
We asked a physiotherapist. For her, these seats allow for relaxation and relaxation massages. They are perfect if you want to take a moment for yourself. But in no case can it cure a backache. Conversely, the physiotherapist knows the anatomy, physiology, and pathologies of the patient, unlike the seat, which cannot deal with the root of the problem. Also, this type of seat should be avoided for people suffering from acute and inflammatory pain, since the risk of worsening the situation cannot be excluded.
When can these seats be used?

Source: theboldowl.com
There is no time restriction on the use of these seats to use it all day. But it still makes a bit of noise, so it may not be the best solution in the office.
Can a massage chair be used as a regular lounge chair?
It must be remembered that massage chairs are specially designed to perform the tasks assigned to them. They are equipped with many moving parts, thanks to which the massage in the chair will be useful and active. Therefore, many types of massage chairs are a minor inconvenience in front of your favorite chair. Many massage chairs at the end of the session take their moving parts inland, making such a chair comfortable and relaxing.
Do I need to assemble a massage chair?
You will still need a small assembly, but you should not worry about this issue – in time, it will not take you more than 15 minutes, and you will not need additional tools. The chair as a whole will come to you already assembled, but, depending on the model, you will have to install, for example, fasten covers or fasten massage boots.
What is it – scanning a body in a massage chair?

Source: medicarelax.com
The technology of scanning the body is very convenient and allows you to personalize the basic program depending on the user’s physique. During the massage, all the data goes into the program and is used for the correct position of the chair rollers. Three-dimensional scanning was developed several years ago, and its periodic improvement allowed its use in top-class massage chairs.
A massage chair for everyone?
Most massage chairs have special “soft” programs; even children can do such a massage. And individual settings will help older people get rid of various kinds of diseases, swelling of the legs, pressure drops, “cold” limbs, back and lower back pain. It will also allow them to improve the quality of sleep and feel more alert in the morning.
How much does it cost?
There is something for all budgets. It ranges from $ 50 to just over $ 300. We tested one at 179 dollars, where the massage balls were quite hard, so it hurt a little, so we would not recommend it to people who have mild back pain or are relatively sensitive to pain.