Traditional forms of marketing that involved running long television commercials and promoting a particular brand by buying space on billboards have seen a dramatic change in the past few years. In today’s time, social media is a potent tool to promote brands, and with the number of customers who use digital media to make a purchase increasing, brands will be willing to pay millions of dollars to promote their products via social media channels.
Instagram, which is a social media channel that sells and markets products via interactive posters and videos, has grown immensely in recent years. Today it has more than a billion followers, and the numbers are growing each month steadily.
All sorts of brands, be it cosmetics, shoes, or cars agencies are looking forward to Instagram to reach a wider audience and increase their sales figures. Celebrities who have many people following them on these media as signed by companies to endorse their brands. There are companies like bot.inflact that provide technical solutions for individuals and companies to generate better sales,
Technical Tips On How Instagram Can Be Used To Promote Brands

There are many ways by which technology (software) can help in marketing a product. There are bots that perform human functions with higher efficiency, and there are tools and applications that help manage the accounts better and make them more appealing to the audiences.
Using Bots
A bot is a program (a software) that is capable of performing many activities that an average human can perform. Bots are efficient, fast, artificial intelligence or AI-assisted, and cost-effective. A social media profile needs to create specific and helpful content, be it in the form of pictures, videos, or written form.
The content needs to be circulated properly, and to market better, it is of utmost importance that a brand owner engages with its potential customers. There are bots who engage with the audience in several ways and increase the number of people who follow a particular brand’s profile.
Bots can use auto like other people’s content or comment. When a bot likes or follows a particular profile, the owner of that profile usually follows the original brand’s page back. Thus, bots use straightforward ways to increase the visibility of a particular company.
Using Tools And Applications
There are broadly two ways by which tools can help the market better. They can analyze the marketing strategy, and they can help increase a particular brand’s reach.
Analyzing Marketing Strategy

Whenever a company markets its products via digital media, the rate of engagement by the potential customer, the amount of time that a user spends on a particular site, etc., can be known. Also, the kind of content that leads to the maximum sales and the location from where the maximum number of customers make a purchase can be known.
These social media profiles generate a lot of information; these data, however, are of little use if they cannot be extracted to get relevant information that market strategists could use.
Enriching Content
One of the easiest ways to market better using Instagram is to enrich content. Content enrichment can be done in many ways, like by reposting reviews or pictures of a company’s product that a customer has posted about. You can learn more about this at IGInstant.
Reviews are the most trusted by new customers, and thus most companies want to share them. A company might not have the legal rights to post that image; however, there are tools that put watermarks and help repost without any legal hassles.
Adding New Features
There are tools that add new features to an Instagram page. Thus, a company might add a feature for “shop now” or “buy now” these features make purchasing easy, and an impulsive buyer or a customer who is looking for convenience while he shops are very likely to use these features.
Managing The Account Better
As a brand grows in popularity, the number of followers increases, and engaging with them becomes a challenge. Also, a good marketing strategy is to post frequently, post on special occasions like festivals, etc. Thus, it becomes essential to get tools that can act as an account assistant; this assistant undertakes all activities that a human being would do to organically increase the profile’s popularity.
There are tools that allow multiple people to handle one particular account. Also, there are tools for scheduling what content is to be posted and at what date. This ensures that a big brand does not miss interacting with its customers on important occasions.
There is software that analyzes the followers list better; usually, the whole list of followers appears when the “followers” button is pressed. However, some followers might need to be dealt with differently. Thus, software that can parcellate out the followers list better can greatly help in delivering tailor-made marketing strategies for specific customers.
Collecting And Aggregating Reviews
Hashtags are often used to search for a particular word, and the hashtag that trends at a given time gets more views. Big brands might not have the time to gather all relevant reviews or pictures by searching for hashtags; hence they can make use of software that can aggregate a particular brand’s review, images, etc., which the brand can later repost.

Social media has opened up avenues for creating jobs and increasing the sales revenue of all companies. Today there are professional influencers, that is, people who have a large number of people following them on social media channels and who can thus influence the public’s decision of whether or not they want to buy a particular product.
Check Gatherxp for more information.
Today, people spend most of their free time gazing at their phone or tablet screens, and the way in which people connect to the world is via these channels. Today time and distance have shrunk; thus, the entire world’s population has become a potential market. However, this also means that marketing via these channels has to become all the more sophisticated, which will involve the use of more advanced software at regular intervals.