Playing video games is one of the most relaxing hobbies that a person can have, especially now when most of us are stuck at home because of the quarantine. In 2024, there was a huge surge of popularity when it comes to video games and gaming as a hobby in general.
Besides, some of the most anticipated games in the history of video gaming are about to come out in 2024, one of them being Cyberpunk 2077 by CD Projekt Red. But, to be able to enjoy all of these popular titles, you’ll need to buy the right graphics card for your gaming laptop.
Technology constantly advances and so does the gaming industry, so slowly but surely, video games start becoming slightly more demanding system-wise. Thankfully, we constantly get new PC components, and with some of the latest releases, purchasing the right GPU is not a difficult thing to do. However, you’ll have to know some of the most basic things in order to make the right decision, and that’s exactly what we’re here today. Let’s take a look.
Choose based on your needs

First of all, you’ll need to decide what type of a graphics card you need for your gaming laptop based on your plans in the future. Now before you say that “I obviously want the best one”, it’s not that simple. For example, some GPU’s are better for rendering and other similar things related to work, while others are pure-performance when it comes to gaming. Some people purchase their gaming laptops both for work and play, so it’s not as black and white.
Then comes another question. Are you planning to play on a 60Hz screen at 60 fps, or you’re planning to play on 144Hz screen with 144 fps? This is very important. Deciding this will help you narrow down the list by quite a lot. Also, are you going to play older titles or not? All of these questions need to be answered before you move on. Once you do this, it’s time to look at the second most important factor, which is budget.
Choose based on your budget

We all want the most expensive GPU, especially now with some of the best games being on the way, but, budget is often an issue. GPU’s these days are expensive. According to LaptopExplorer, all you have to do is just take a look at the NVIDIA GeForce 3080 series and you’ll understand what we’re talking about. But, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have any other choices. You can always purchase a less expensive GPU and then slightly lower down the in-game video settings. Sure, the game won’t look as beautiful, but at least you’ll be able to play it. Unfortunately, quality gaming is an expensive hobby.
Which resolution are you going to play on?

4k and 8k resolutions are still not considered the “standard” when it comes to gaming, but some people simply prefer to view their content like that. However, for something like this you’ll need a very strong GPU, one that specifically supports those resolutions. For a laptop GPU, this is a bit trickier to do, but still quite possible. If you want to play on “Full HD” or 1080p as we like to call it, you won’t need to invest much. Your resolution preference will determine whether you need to pay a lot for your new GPU or a more affordable price instead.
Choose the brand

For a long time now NVidia and AMD are competing in the world of graphic cards. Although most people say that NVidia graphic cards are superior, this has been debunked and proven otherwise in multiple situations throughout the past few years. The same thing goes for CPU’s. For many years now Intel processors were considered superior, but now the Ryzen series came out and completely conquered the market, pushing Intel totally out of the game.
Usually, in the world of GPU’s, both brands try to come out with products almost equal in power, yet slightly different in price. This is why we recommend that you don’t settle for only brand only and consider all the possible choices available on the market. Next on the list is thermals, a very important factor in laptops.
Thermals of the gaming GPU

It’s a well-known fact that laptops have more heating issues than regular desktop rigs. It’s obvious, every component is smaller and the fans are a lot smaller as well. Also, there’s not enough room for air to circulate properly, which is why overheating occurs a lot more often.
If you don’t have proper cooling methods for your laptops, including an external cooler as well, then you shouldn’t choose a GPU that’s known for having bad thermals. Otherwise you’ll risk unexpected shutdowns during your gameplay and other interruptions. Or, in the worst case scenario, you can even experience some light hardware damage.
Availability in your living area

Unfortunately, some of us live in countries where not all of the latest laptop and GPU models are available for purchase immediately after the series gets released on the market. So, the last and most important factor is to do some research and find out whether that particular GPU model is available for purchase in some of your local tech stores. Please note that some AMD laptops for example do not ship in certain countries, or they do but after some time upon being released officially. If you manage to find the perfect model for you, and it’s available for purchase in your area, then you’re off to a great start.
Even laptops need some love every now and then, and upgrading yours for the upcoming games is a great idea. In today’s article we provided our step-by-step thinking process for all those who are purchasing GPU’s. Judging by our previous experiences, both personal ones and those from other community members, this is how the average consumer thinks before choosing their perfect gaming graphics card. We hope that we were clear and transparent enough. Best of luck with your purchase in the future.