The current state of the world makes a lot of people uncertain about the future. And not the distant future that we generally fantasize about, decades that are in front. The difficult situation in the world dictates that we often become afraid about the immediate future that is going to be upon us within the year or so.
At the moment, as well for the better part of 2024, the world is struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic that has rendered many unemployed and many more without any sort of income. In such circumstances, people are left to their wits when it comes to providing for themselves and their family, as well as when planning for a better and more secure future is in question.
Investing used to be something people would regularly think about even before they have some money on the side to invest. Carefully navigating through different markets and opportunities was constantly present in our minds because we felt that so many options are available once we decide to take the next step. Sadly, coronavirus changed all that and covered the planet in a veil of uncertainty. For a more global approach to Real Estate, check out eXp Realty.
In this article, we will determine what the best things and ways to invest your money currently are. If you have something worth investing in but you cannot put your finger on anything, we are here to suggest to you some of the best options currently available. Read through them carefully and thoroughly and think long and hard which one(s) make the most sense for you.
1. Cryptocurrency

One of the most lucrative opportunities for you to increase your wealth quickly and efficiently is to invest in one of the many cryptocurrencies available on the contemporary market. While the leader of them is still bitcoin, and it will probably always be, there are numerous other opportunities to invest, provided you do enough research and study your options. In any case, digital currencies have faired surprisingly well in this dire year for mankind and kept their worth stable throughout the year. What is more, with the end of the year approaching and the first quarter of 2024 just around the corner, most forecasts predict that bitcoin and its cousins are going to experience a large jump in worth, similar to what happened at the end of 2017 when 1 BTC was worth nearly $20,000. This time around, many believe that it will cross $100,000 and change the game once more. To find out more about cryptocurrencies and investing in them, make sure to check out
2. Rental Housing

It seems that rental housing is constantly rising when it comes to opportunities, both for investors looking to purchase some or homeowners who can offer a room or a part of their home for rent. With technology and apps used for booking and renting all sorts of places, this form of business has become lucrative in recent years. On top of this, mortgage rates have plummeted and many people are looking to sell quickly rather than waiting for good offers because of the state of the world economy. Therefore, this may be a great time to invest in some new real estate that you will offer for rent. Of course, this comes with lots of responsibilities, both before you purchase it and after. Renovations and maintenance are both very high monthly expenses, and not all tenants are polite, tidy, and reliable. Depending on where you live, there are probably some very tempting offers waiting for you.
3. The Stock Market

The most common recommendation everyone has for investing will probably be the stock market, simply because there is a lot of different things to choose from and invest in. It could also prove as the safest and most beneficial place to put your money in and watch it grow. However, you have to educate yourself on the ongoing processes and affairs that go with this business. Owning stocks means owning very small portions of companies. The more you have the higher percentage you own. With the company profiting, your stock value rises and you are worth more. Then you can either be paid a portion of the profits in the form of dividends and amount based on the shares of stock you own. The more valuable the company, the more money you will have in shares. Once you are ready and willing, you can sell them for much more than you initially bought them. Of course, not all companies become more valuable quick enough, and some fail, leaving the shareholders with less than what they had originally.
4. Savings Account

The least risky way of investing your money and making more slowly over time is putting it into a savings account and allowing it to increase through interest. However, this is a very slow process and it usually takes years, decades even for you to actually make something. The more you put the more you will have later, but it is a game of percentages so the rate of earning money is still exhaustingly slow. If you are not sure what to do with a certain amount, open a savings account, and put the sum there until you have a better, more concrete idea.
5. Physical Commodities

Traditionally the oldest and most basic form of investing is purchasing valuable items and materials and stockpiling them until they rise in value and demand. These of course include gold and silver, as well as other precious metals, gems, and stones. In trying economic times like the ones the planet is experiencing now, these can be the best safeguard you can have because there will always be a need for them and you will always get a lot in return. Whether or not you will earn more than you paid for is a big question, but you will definitely have something to fall back on if you ever find yourself in a sticky financial situation. A lot of people like to hold onto the valuables they inherited, like jewelry, coins, and other items of worth, and pass them down to their children and grandchildren so that one day it can use them.