Functional programming is based on mathematical functions, and more and more developers are choosing this type of coding before object-oriented programming. Even though OOP is called the solution to all the problems, nowadays users are beginning to notice that FP has a lot of different advantages and applications.
Here we are going to talk more about how you can use and benefit from FP and why you should give it a chance before deciding to use any other way of coding.
1. The functions are easier to understand

Everyone who’s ever learned coding knows how difficult different programming languages can be. Sometimes they make no sense, and to understand a sequence may take you a lot of time.
According to Quickstart when compared to other similar languages, you can notice that the functions here are a lot easier to understand and they make much more sense. Because of this, functional programming is becoming widely accepted. You will be able to read the lines faster, and the code is going to be a lot clearer. It is said that this type of coding is better for beginners, as they won’t have to bother learning a lot of new things in a short amount of time.
2. The testing is easier

If you’ve ever programmed something, you already know that the testing takes the most amount of time. Sometimes this process can take twice the time that you need to code something. When we spend too much time testing our code, we lose precious time that can be spent doing something more productive.
Users agree that this is one of the biggest advantages because you will not have to bother with any side effects or hidden states. This is connected with the first point because when you are able to understand the process better, you will be able to test things faster and notice mistakes with ease.
3. FP is more efficient

This type of programming focuses on what you are doing at the moment instead of how you want to execute the given functions. This helps with efficiency because the process consists of independent units. All of these units are able to run at the same time, without interrupting one another, and without being dependent on one another.
Another thing that is important when it comes to FP is that there is no support state. This means that the code can be written without errors and the whole program can be bug-free.
One problem users have noticed with OOP is that when things get complicated, this type of coding is becoming goo difficult and unstable to use. On the other hand, because FP is simpler, no matter how complicated the program and its functions become, there is always a simple and elegant solution.
4. The debugging process is a lot easier

Because there is no support state, and the functions depend on the input parameters to turn out the output, developers have no issues to debug the program.
One could ask why this is important when it comes to the finished product? Well, when there is a task that the developer has to execute, there is usually a deadline. And if there are a lot of bugs and a lot of issues, that process can take a lot of time. When the debugging part is fast and easy, the client can expect their program to be ready on time and everything to run smoothly. Many developers choose functional programming so they can send the finished program to their clients on time.
5. There are several solutions to every problem

Nothing runs without errors, but when there are different solutions to one issue, things can be done with ease. To explain this process, try imagining a business event where things need to be done fast. What would you do in that situation? If you said that you’d delegate some of the responsibilities to others, so that everyone has a different task, and works towards the same goal, you are correct.
The same process is done with this type of programming and several tasks are done at the same time. As suggests, this code is a composition of mathematical functions, and they are not dependable on one another. So, when a problem occurs, the programmer does not have to look everywhere to find the issue, they know how to find the source right away, and to solve the issue without interrupting other processes.
6. Applications

Even though this is not a new language, people are often wondering where it is used. You’ve probably noticed that most of the programs on your computer are created in Python or a language from the C family. Well, if you don’t know where functional programming can be used, the short answer is – pretty much everywhere.
Nowadays, most gaming companies rely on this programming language to create and develop their games since the whole process is faster and easier. But, you are actually seeing this language and its uses every day without knowing.
Have you ever wondered how are the modern websites made? You already know that they are using JavaScript and jQuery and they are just a small part of this whole process. You can use it for almost everything you want to create, but it is up to you if you want to choose this or another type of coding.
If you don’t want to bother with complex graphs, and shared mutable objects, then you should start using FP. It will help you develop a lot more programs, without spending a lot of time debugging and looking for issues.
Experts suggest that with this language you will be able to create a reliable code that is simple and easy to understand. When you use FP, you are able to reduce the complexity of the code and with that, write shorter, simpler, and better codes.
This is becoming the standard for many companies and organizations, and it is said that soon everyone will prefer it before OOP. If you are looking for something that can be used to make the organization of the code better and if you don’t want to bother with complex lines that seem to have no end, then you should choose functional programming.