Technology has been changing the way humans live for centuries – from the invention of the wheel, through the steam engine and conveyor belt to computers, the Internet and artificial intelligence. Although the development of technology usually leads to an improvement in the quality of human life and an increase in productivity, at the same time there is uncertainty about its impact on many other issues, such as what the jobs of the future will look like and whether many workers will lose their jobs.
Today’s worry about whether a robot will take on many jobs is similar to that of our ancestors because of the invention of a steam engine, electricity, conveyor belt, and now with the advent of advanced automation solutions provided by companies such as Although lessons from the past suggest that people’s work continues as it is, the reason for concern this time lies in the fact that, on the wings of all previous inventions, technological development has been faster than ever in the last 20 years.
Automation based on robotics and artificial intelligence could increase productivity in almost any industry, but also replace many jobs. While we listen to predictions that one part of the labor market will narrow and become surplus, the other is constantly deficient.
What professions are threatened by development?
Due to changing market paradigms regarding technology development, many jobs in the future will reduce the need and therefore the wages earned by the people who work for them.
These 5 professions will not be as prevalent in the future due to technology developments:

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- Journalist – The advent of the internet, portals and blogs has greatly compromised the future of print media. Advertisers are moving into the digital space, so large publishers are finding it increasingly difficult to have full-time journalists.
- Economist – According to reputable economic journals, computers will be able to independently analyze and make smart financial decisions, which is why accountants, financial analysts and other economists will not be so sought after in the future.
- Librarian – The advent of Internet browsers, online bookstores and Google’s book services will greatly reduce the need for librarians.
- Taxi dispatcher – The development of apps like Uber and others allows people to schedule their rides via mobile phones, which means that there will be no taxi dispatchers.
- Travel agent – With the advent of apps like Booking, Airbnb and Skyscanner, the travel agent becomes the person less and fewer people turn to when planning a trip.
The situation in the IT sector
Due to the rapid and unstoppable development, the IT sector is one of the most developed everywhere in the world and more and more people are rightly considering devoting their careers to this field. Therefore, there may be occasional questions about whether there is a risk of overcrowding in the IT sector.
The truth is that it can be expected in all other sectors rather than in IT. For years in the IT sector, the number of jobs has repeatedly exceeded the number of skilled workers and, according to research, this trend expects us in the future. Technological advancement involves not only the emergence of increasingly sophisticated software and hardware, but also the digitization of all the pores of our society.

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Another fear for the future of people in the IT sector is related to the development of artificial intelligence. The question many ask is whether developers will be necessary or whether AI will be able to program itself.
The truth is, without an AI developer, it wouldn’t exist. AI-enabled self-learning is made possible thanks to complex algorithms created by developers.
We may one day develop an almighty AI that will be able to replace developers, but we are very far from that. It is true that in many ways, IT is still in its development phase, so the fear of their disappearance would be the same as if you were immediately afraid after the Gutemberg printing press appeared that your book would be replaced by a computer.
And let’s see how all the jobs have changed.
Change of communication

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No more need for slow methods of communication or having to travel half the world to do business face to face. We all have smartphones and various modes of communication that save us time and money. You can always keep in touch with your superiors, arrange conference calls, and so you can do business with anyone anywhere. More and more professions can work equally effectively from home.
Facilitation of organizations
You are no longer stuck in a pile of papers, but everything is transparent and accessible through many financial management applications. This makes it possible to expand your business because you can cover a much larger volume of work.
Increased productivity
The productivity of both management and workers has been greatly enhanced by the assistance provided by different technologies. Everything is done faster and more accurately. A good example of this are many types of smart machines, such as those you can see on, that will not “steal” anyone’s job, but will greatly facilitate and speed it up.
Increased profitability

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In the end, the goal of every business is to maximize profits. And time is money. AI saves time for everyone, which increases profitability. Also, fewer mistakes happen and no money is lost due to mistakes.
Various types of encryption, security systems and antivirus programs take your entire business to a much safer level. You don’t have to worry about losing anything or physically damaging your documents, you can store everything in a very secure clouds.
Different software offers you different types of personalization, which facilitates and speeds up the work. You do not have to adapt to strict procedures, but you can customize whatever suits you to complete the business assignment as successfully as possible.
Enhanced cooperation

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Due to the possibility of easy communication, the volume of cooperation between everyone has been increased. For example, if you are traveling on a business trip, you can easily contact colleagues and get all the information you need.
Security Breaches
It used to be much easier to steal crucial information. And now with all the protection through fingerprinting, eye scans, passwords and everything else, everything is taken to a higher level.
Time management
It is much easier to meet all deadlines, and it brings many happy clients. You can perform multiple tasks at once, and there are programs that you can customize to remind you of your upcoming appointments.
Work from home

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This is probably the biggest change from before. You can do many jobs from anywhere for a business from anywhere in the world. This has opened up the world market and enabled people from underdeveloped parts of the world to earn well above the level of where they live, thus raising the general standard.
Therefore, getting to know new trends and skills is a prerequisite. Research shows that workers who know how to work with technology will not have to worry, only those who lack such knowledge will be at risk.
In other words, if you are constantly improving, following the development of technology and the needs of the market, you will secure your job in the future.