In general, people tend to give all of their attention to one or some essential elements in their life while ignoring something else that may turn out to be essential as well. This behavior not only appears in personal business but also manifests in professional business, such as in digital marketing, for instance. Thus, if you’re a business owner searching for ways to boost your company website’s performance, it’s crucial to remember that you need to learn how to focus on different factors simultaneously.
You can apply this insight to the connection between your website design and your SEO practice. For your business to do well in the online market, your website should be designed well, or you risk squandering the organic equity you’ve been building. This is the reason why according to, web design and SEO work together more seamlessly than some people realize. Their components combine well and, once executed properly, your site visitors will enjoy a great user experience.
If you like to do better in search engine result pages (also known as SERPs), you need to prioritize not just your SEO. Here are several ways why web design goes hand-in-hand with SEO practices.
1. User-Friendly Means Google-Friendly

Some people may not realize what a big impact web design could have on content. Thus, if you’re improving your SEO, content is something you should focus on. Poor website design may make it impossible for users to read the information they wanted to find on your site. In fact, pages with misplaced content and peppered with hyperlinks that don’t serve a purpose could decrease audience visits. Websites that are hard to read on any desktop or device will turn people away quickly.
Fortunately, website designers now understand how to make websites that make it simpler for users to access the content. Tapping such designers means you get the best value for your overall business investment. These designers know that extra elements such as white space, line length, or images may affect how individuals pay attention to your website. It’s a plus if your designer is sensitive enough to consider persons with disabilities (PWD) by choosing an inclusive website design format that’s easy to navigate and PWD-friendly at the same time. Remember, that your SEO content also needs to provide value to your visitors, otherwise they will simply leave your website. Visit Techslang to learn how their team of professional writers can help create quality content that your readers will appreciate.
2. Gain The Trust Of Your Users

Longtime internet surfers are generally used to seeing perfect websites that offer excellent user experience. It’s what most users expect when opening a website: easy to navigate, clean, and gives accurate information. Thus, if a website looks outdated, old, or difficult to use, users will form bad impressions; they might leave and not return, resulting in a high bounce rate. You might have a service or product they’re searching for, but they can’t trust your site enough to wade through what they could perceive as defective functionality.
If you want to get a higher website rank, the trust you gain from users plays a significant role. It isn’t surprising that the majority of netizens are quick to create opinions; once they have them, it will be hard to change their minds. Thus, with an SSL certificate on your site, it’s a good way to gain the trust of your users and search engines because it shows that your website is secured with padlocks next to your URL.
3. Mobile-Friendliness

Regardless of your familiarity with website design or SEO, you should know the significance of making your site mobile-friendly. If it’s not something you’ve taken the time to do, it’s time to upgrade in this department since several years ago, Google made mobile-friendliness another ranking factor. The tech giant also introduced mobile-first indexing, which shows that Google pays importance to mobile-friendliness.
For this reason, a website design that’s not mobile-friendly might alienate some of your users. In addition, websites with high bounce rates due to difficulties of loading on a tablet or phone send bad signals to Google, which could affect your rankings. So, see to it that you keep mobile-friendliness in mind if you want to make SEO and website design work together.
Regardless of your familiarity with website design or SEO, you should know the significance of making your site mobile-friendly. If it’s not something you’ve taken the time to do, it’s time to upgrade in this department since several years ago, Google made mobile-friendliness another ranking factor. you can read more on WebSwiggy
4. Sitemap

Sitemaps are vital to have in place if you like search engines to be smarter on how they crawl your site since your sitemap will offer search engines a guide of all content and pages on your website. It provides you the opportunity to showcase what pages are most crucial to your site.
Aside from this benefit, a sitemap also aids in user navigation. New visitors to your website may refer to your sitemap to help them while surfing it. Moreover, sitemaps contain critical metadata regarding your website pages to provide them a better opportunity to rank higher.
5. Website Speed

Are you aware of what makes your website slow down? It might have something to do with your website design. In SEO, website speed is a crucial aspect because it’s a major deficiency for most websites. If you haven’t been ranking properly, it might be because your website has such a slow loading time, and users bounce quickly.
Don’t forget that website speed is another ranking factor, so you have to spend more time increasing it by optimizing images, enabling browser caching, eliminating unnecessary plugins, and other strategies. Ideally, a website must load within two seconds upon access. If it takes longer, users visiting your website might abandon it. Website speed is also essential on mobile devices where people don’t usually wait for too long.
Website speed is also essential to Google as it affects the ability of the search engine to crawl it. If your average speed makes Google crawl fewer pages, you’ll have less pages that will be indexed. When this happens, it’ll be impossible for such pages to rank. So, it’s necessary to ensure website security via HTTPS encryption.
Bottom Line
Your website will do well once you make your web design and SEO work together. Just make sure to take note of the pointers above when working on your SEO and website design. If you don’t know where to get started, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the best professionals in the industry to get amazing SEO and web design services available at a competitive price. EcDev Studio will assist you in hiring the best team to improve your product using emerging technologies within a reasonable budget.