If you believe that law and different legal domains can’t be affected by technology you are wrong. Yes, some laws are centuries old and haven’t changed for a while but that doesn’t make them immune to technological innovations. One of the biggest steps forward in recent times has been the introduction of artificial intelligence to our lives. So, don’t be surprised to hear that AI is slowly, but safely changing the legal profession. Are you wondering how that’s happening? If you’ve been wondering that, let us answer that question for you with a few short paragraphs below.
Reading and Research
Don’t be afraid but artificial intelligence can read a lot faster than we do, and it can conduct research on levels humans can only dream of. So, when a lawyer has a massive pile of data, scattered in many files and papers, it can be hard to compile only the information that is vital for the case.
With AI this process can be vastly shortened. Artificial intelligence is someone who will, with the right set of instructions, run through gigabytes of data in only a few moments. So, in no time any attorney can have all the valuable information in the palms of their hands saving on hours of reading and research.
With this ability, the entire judicial system can start operating quite faster giving millions of favors to everyone involved in different legal procedures. Outlets such as boostsuite.com can improve their already fine operation and expand their base of satisfied clients.
Checking Documents and Contracts
With law, much of the work revolves around reading and interpreting. The administrative part of the legal profession takes a lot more time than practicing law in a courtroom does. AI will make drastic changes in this department too. When we talk about legal documents, contracts, for example, they need to be written carefully, where every word matters. They’re usually made for two parties to read and agree upon.
Depending on the situation and length, some contracts were revised for days at a time, and then altered, written again, or simply changed in some way. With artificial intelligence at task, the time that once took to create and revise a contract can be shortened from a few days to a few hours at most. Being machine-sure that everything is in order will streamline the legal profession to levels unseen before.
Predicting Outcomes

Source: mblegal.am
No, we’re not saying that AI can predict the future. This is not a Minority report. But, under certain conditions and with the right amount of data AI can be very good at predicting outcomes. Let’s take, for example, two cases. One new, and one old. When they have many similarities in the facts that happened during the case, it is easy to claim that you can guess an outcome.
This approach is possible with human lawyers of course, but they can’t process the same amount of data. When you feed the AI with data from the previous ten cases in a similar legal domain, and you give it a new case with all the surrounding facts, it will be able to predict the outcome based on previous experience. With this type of knowledge lawyers and judges would be able to be more sure in making a decision which would result in faster and more fair trials.
It doesn’t matter if you work as a legal professional or in the automotive industry, automation is a term that you certainly hear fairly often. Automation is a process that streamlines repetitive tasks that would usually take hours to complete. Legal professionals are salivating about the possibility that someone would take these tasks from their hands. AI can do this.
When it comes to organizing files and scheduling tasks no human can parry artificial intelligence. In the world of attorneys and judges, it is all about organization and scheduling. Just imagine having an assistant that processes data at light speed, makes no mistakes, and misses no meetings. With help in AI form attorneys all over the world will be able to focus on many important tasks at hand.
Legal Matters Aid

Source: masters.smu.edu.sg
No, we can’t leave the law in the hands of machines. They will start controlling our minds that way. Leaving paranoia and conspiracy theories aside, artificial intelligence can help in so many legal matters that it is hard to grasp the idea that we humans created such a product. Imagine having a robot lawyer. Of course, we are not talking about a robot taking matters into its own hands. We are talking more about law assistants.
AI is already capable of answering simple legal questions. For all of those people who need only the basic answers to straightforward questions, AI can help a lot of lawyers by freeing up the time they would waste on consultations that take hours and can be handled in a few moments.
Creation of Legal Documents

Source: lawvu.com
Law is a complex matter. But, there are levels to it. There are things that even a court trainee or a clerk can handle. Also, there are matters that the Supreme Court Judge has issues with handling. Of course, it is still early to leave too complicated matters in the hands of artificial intelligence. But, as far as the basic documents are concerned, AI already has the capabilities to handle them in the best way possible.
Every lawyer will have to use AI software that can draft standard importance documents and prepare them for work. Imagine having an assistant who is pretty adept in handling paperwork and organizing documents that would usually take hours without them having real importance for any ongoing case.
Bottom Line
With the creation of various AI outlets all over the world, artificial intelligence is officially here and is finding ways to incorporate itself into our daily lives. Many would believe that teaching law and legislation would be too hard, but we’re soon learning that it’s not impossible.
In fact, it is only a matter of time before every attorney’s office out there will be equipped with a form of AI software. Through the examples we’ve provided you already see how it can be used on a daily basis and improve the operation of different legal professions.