When it comes to the gaming room design you shouldn’t be conducted by the precise and strict instructions, it is a place where you should feel relaxed, it is your fantasy room and zone of your comfort, so it is should be made in accordance to your preferences and desires. But of course, there are some rules or even more advice that will help you to make this room more comfortable and that will help you to prevent problems and inconveniences that you might meet later when you will use it.
So, what you should pay attention to when you design your video game room? Let’s see.
First of all, it is your comfort of course. You are going to spend a lot of hours seating and playing, and it without a doubt should be considered. Are you planning to play with your guests, friends, family? If the answer is yes, then you can think about some sectional sofa or a living room set with the sofa, loveseat, and armchair. These things are perfect for spending time in a company and if you choose a minimalistic contemporary style it will add even ultra-modern atmosphere that is a perfect component for this kind of room.

Source: pinterest.com
If you are planning to use this room only for yourself think about the special gaming chair that is elaborated with the thought about your spine support and can allow you to play for hours and still feel relaxed.
Or you can combine these two options in one room, it is all up to you.
The second thing that you should think about room temperature. You will spend there a lot of time and also equipment produces heat and increases the room’s temperature. And here you have several solutions, maybe you can use AC but it is not the cheapest solution, and it is a good decision only if you can afford this. If you can’t afford it think about the fans that will help to chill the room a little bit.
The next step is the storage space that you will need. Think about the shelves or maybe an entertainment center that will allow you comfortably to keep all your equipment. Entertainment center is the best decision for this kind of room because it is designed to keep your audio-video equipment, consoles, and disks and also to organize all wires. And it also can come in wide variations of the shapes, types, and styles so you will find the right one for you and it doesn’t matter what are your requests.

Source: reddit.com
Then let’s discuss the main component- your equipment. Here it is better to make a list in which you will write down all you will need. And also it is better to read some information that will more in detail tell you about all the models, devices, and their specifics. Choose your equipment wisely and later you will be grateful for the time spent on this process.
Then let’s add more atmosphere in the room with the help of the lighting. And here you should be free with your fantasy because there are various possible variants that will create your special ambiance in the room. Think about colored lighting in dawn violet color, smooth red, and light blue colors that overflow one with another creating the surreal image in the room. Or maybe some warm-colored lighting in lush orange that overflows in soft pink colored light will create more smooth ambiance in the room. Here you have the possibility to act more freely and experiment about the placement of the lighting, about its configuration and color combinations.
What place is the best? Here you should act in accordance with your possibilities.

Source: alltechflix.com
The basement is one of the finest decisions for this kind of room for multiple reasons. It is usually a spacious and large place and quite isolated. You will disturb nobody and nobody will disturb you-what can be better than this for the gaming process? You can make from the basement an ideal gaming room. But if you don’t have possibility to use it all because it is already used storage space, you can use some partitions that will help you to divide space and also be a part of a decoration. But don’t also forget to make this space a safe one. Buy some smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, and think about the escape exit if it is possible.
It shouldn’t be necessarily a basement, a room that you don’t use also can be a perfect place. Yes, it is not so secluded like a basement, but still, it can be changed the way you will not feel so much difference.
If you don’t have free space that you can transform, you can use a living room as a gaming place. But it doesn’t mean that you can just put there your equipment, the living room is usually a passage space so you should think about all the wires you have that without a doubt should be somehow organized to not create problems in the future. Also, think about some storage space where you will keep all your equipment and disks, that easily can create a mess in the room if they are not organized properly.

Source: youtube.com
In the situation when you prefer a minimalistic approach to the design and don’t like the mess and disorganized space you should pay attention to the hi-tech style that perfectly combines with the gaming room design orientation. To create this atmosphere in the room try to leave your walls without any decor and use neutral colors close to grey, beige, white color palette. You can hang some ultra-modern new shelves that have a pure geometric design, they will add elegance to the room. But it should be placed comfortably and should be easy in use. Try to avoid overwhelming space with the objects and furniture, place only the most needed things there. And the best decision for this kind of style will be wireless equipment.