With technology going further, it is hard to believe that there will be any VHS players left in the future. This means that your tapes full of memories will be left in formats that cannot be used. For that reason, you should consider doing a transfer from VHS to Digital or VHS to DVD.
However, many people wonder how hard that process can be. Whether you can do this by yourself, or it is better to consider going for a converter service.
To show you how the transferring process goes, and whether is that hard, we made this article. In addition, you will learn where can you do the transfer, and what is the importance of this process.
Item requirements
The transferring process cannot be done if you don’t have the appropriate equipment. For that reason, we have to mention every essential piece of equipment. That way, you can get everything on time and ensure an unobstructed digital conversion process.
VHS player
The first thing you need to successfully transfer from VHS to DVD is a video cassette recorder (VCR). If you have a working unit in possession, you are in luck because these devices are hard to come by. In case you don’t own a recorder, you will have to purchase one, or borrow one from a friend.
Since these units are no longer produced, finding a new one is almost impossible. They are vintage units, and even if you find one, it will cost you a lot. For that reason, it is better to opt-out of used recorders. You can find them on your local advertisement sites, but you will have to be sure they work.
In case you have the chance to communicate with the seller, ask them whether the recorder works to prevent time loss. As soon as you find a working recorder, you are one big step ahead of doing your digital transfer.
Because it is hard to find recorder devices, many people prefer having their tapes transferred to digital by companies specialized in that field. It is way easier, and it costs significantly less. In addition, the people offering this service will improve the quality of the tape’s content, giving you a much better experience.

Source: fatllama.com
In case you have the smaller camera tapes, you might consider going for a camcorder. Some adapters let you insert the smaller tapes into a regular video cassette recorder. Depending on what device you can get your hands on quicker, that should be your choice.
The process of acquiring a camcorder is the same as for the recorder. Visit advertisement sites or ask friends or family if they have one.
This is the piece of equipment that connects the recorder and the laptop or computer. It acts as a bridge between both devices and connects to your computer using the USB slot.
There are many converting devices that you can find, and the selection is completely up to you. They are relatively inexpensive since they come under hundred dollars mark. Depending on your selection, you may have to provide the cables by yourself. However, that is not something complicated or expensive so you should not worry.
The converting devices come with software that guides you through the process completely. All you need to do is install it, and follow the steps you are introduced to. In addition, there are options where you can enhance the quality of the videos which is always beneficial.
Lastly, it’s the device that we all have in our homes. You don’t have to worry about the operating system since the converting devices are available both for Mac and Windows computers. However, ensure that your computer works nicely and that it has enough processing power and storage. In case you lack storage, you don’t have to worry since you can save your files into an external drive, or cloud.
How to transfer and is it hard

Source: theverge.com
As you will see next, transferring your old VHS tapes to digital is rather easy and it does not require expertise. To begin with the process, you should firstly dust off the tape you want to be transferred. Bring the recorder and computer next to each other and connect the recorder to the converting device. If your recorder has an S-type cable, consider using that since it produces a better image quality.
After having the recorder cabled properly, plug the USB end into your computer. Get the tape inside the recorder, and ensure it is rewound all the way back. Open up the converting program and follow the instructions.
When everything is ready, play the tape from the VCR and press the record on the programs. Everything is in real-time so the process lasts as long as your tape has material on. When the tape ends, stop recording and have your file saved.
Benefits of doing the digital transfer
Besides holding on to your memories forever and preventing the deterioration of your tapes, transferring your tapes to digital has many benefits to offer.
You will be able to watch your recordings anytime you want since you don’t need to have the right equipment with you at all times. In addition, you don’t have to hold on to your bulky tapes anymore since you will be able to store the files on a drive or a cloud service.
It’s also possible to convert from VHS to digital with the help of professionals. Companies like tapestodigital.co.uk offer a conversion service that will deliver high-quality media. Not only will this save you some time, but the image quality you’ll manage to get from the VHS to Digital conversion will be much lower than what the professional will get.
Lastly, you will be able to connect with friends and family by sharing the tape with them. They can also relieve the moments you passed together appreciating the good times. Tapes like these hold significant value to each person, and it is highly important to preserve them and turn them digital.