Technology is ever-present. It is influencing all spheres of our lives. You can’t avoid it. You can’t unsee it. It is inevitable. A little bit like Thanos in Avengers. But, unlike Thanos, technology is a good thing. In many areas technology has brought immense progress. One of the branches of tech improvements is without a doubt digitalization. The two of them go hand in hand. Migration processes haven’t been able to avoid the progress that’s happening. Global business mobility visas have been influenced by technology and digitalization.
In this article, we are going to discuss a little bit about global business mobility visas and how they were influenced by technological development and consequential digitalization. First of all, we are going to cover the basics of GBM visas, before we move on to the improvements tech made in this field. Many of you will agree that the progress in the way things are handled today is evident. If we compare it to the past, it is undoubtedly much better. Without further ado, let us jump straight to the core of our subject for today.
What Are Global Business Mobility Visas?

As you know, the UK government recently exited the European Union. Big change. A drastic one you could say. It brought some changes to the way they are handling the immigration process now. The British government didn’t wait for too long to update their routes of immigration. We still have UK Global Business Mobility visas, but they now come with new categories.
If you are an expert in a certain field and desire to arrive and work in the Island Kingdom you’ll need a visa. The first thing you must know is that you will not receive a settlement visa through this process. This one is only for work, and for a limited amount of time. To get Indefinite Leave to Remain you’ll need to switch between visas. But, let’s stick to the GBM visa.
This one is issued for a few very clear reasons. All of them are business related. It is intended for people who want to work in the land of football and are experts in their field. It’s possible to receive one even for a temporary contract. Other situations where it’s required are when you transfer between companies, you receive an internship, for business travel, and when you’re planning to open a branch of your firm on United Kingdom soil. Regardless of your personal and business need, with this visa, you are welcome to stay, but only for a limited amount of time. Once your visa expires you’ll be asked to leave or to switch between visas which is another process. If you’re interested in knowing this visa and any other in-depth information, you are free to do your research. But, to save you effort and time we’re going to suggest that you follow the following link
Types of GBM Visas

As we already said, in this department, the Great Britain government brought out a few novelties. If you desire to own a global business mobility visa that would allow you access to Great Britain soil you are required to fit into one of the five categories we’re name in the next few sentences. The first category is the most direct. If you’re a specialist or a senior worker this one’s for you. The next one covers everyone who falls into the graduate trainee category. If you’re not finding yourself in any of the first two we mentioned the third could be the charm. It goes under the name expansion worker. The two remaining are service suppliers and secondment workers.
Regardless of the category you apply for, and which one you receive you will get limited permission to stay in GB. But each of these categories has a different time frame. With the first two, you can stay up to nine years in any ten-year time frame. The other four categories cover less ground. You can stay up to five years during any six years of your choice. So, as you can see these visas offer plenty of time and opportunity for those who want to come, work and live in Great Britain. All of this brought us to the core of the subject for today, and that’s the small matter of technology and digitalization and their influence on this field of immigration.
Technology, Digitalization, And GBM Visas

As we said, technology makes things better. It makes it easier. Gaining a visa is no different. Yes, there were some changes. But, if you ask us, they were for the better. First of all, thanks to tech innovations the entire process is quicker and more streamlined. There is no off-shore processing. Everything is processed on UK soil. Today, most services tied to this visa can be found online. Information flow is unparalleled in this age and it was only a matter of time when the UK closed its off-shore capacities.
Now, you can have your visa data uploaded online, without the need to leave your home. Also, your entire application is now reviewed digitally. This holds massive advantages for both the applicants and those who review the applications. It makes everyone’s work easier. The process is quicker, and the time-wasting is almost nonexistent. The entire application process is digitalized. There are no more off-shore facilities so through scanning the data is collected, submitted, and there is no physical contact between applicants and the reviewers.
The entire communication is done electronically. There are no visits, no conversations, and no interviews. It saves everyone’s time. This benefits both the employee and the employer. Digital uploads and digital downloads make the process quite direct. The more time passes the more present technology will be in all spheres of our lives. The migration process was already made much easier. The Internet made the difference, everything that followed joined the party, and now everyone has a good time.
While the whole process is elevated to a new level, the work is not yet done. Improvements are made daily. In the not so distant future we can expect AI to take over some of the duties of immigration services. We have a nice future to look forward to, especially if you plan on moving to the United Kingdom.