Citizenship by investment is not a novelty in the global finance market. It was possible to become a citizen of the country of St Kits & Nevis in 1984. So, there’s a tradition to it. Yes, there is. But, in the same way as with anything else with time things change. In recent years we see them change even more than before.
It is all due to technological development. We live in a computerized era. The Internet among other things changed everything. These are facts known to even people who do not follow trends. Technology can no longer be ignored. Yes, you can live on a remote island, in a cabin, with no electricity or internet. But, islands in the Caribbean are not that sort of islands.
So, how did the technology change the CBI program issued by St Kitts & Nevis back in 1984? This is a fine question. It did change it, and you can bet on it. These days, rare are things that are not influenced by technology. After all, this is the era of the internet, smartphones, and computers. For a while, it was great that the situation is like that. During the coronavirus pandemic when it was possible to do a ton of work remotely from home, technology did aid in helping save the world as we know it.
At least financially. Each of these things found its way to be incorporated into the bureaucratic world of passports and international documents. We’re not surprised and you shouldn’t be too. The influence it had is vast but understandable. Let’s start with the basic touch technology had on St Kitts & Nevis citizenship by investment program.
Online Application

As we said, we are going to start with the basics. When you’re applying for any CBI program it is assumed you live outside of the Caribbean. Yes, you could be nearby in one of the places in Central America, northern South America, or the USA. But, the chances are you could also be somewhere on the other corner of the globe, in Asia, Africa, or Europe. So, the global market is not so small, when you must fly across half the world to apply for a passport. Luckily, things have changed to what they were back in the day.
Some people argue that things always change, but never for the better. When it comes to having a St Kitts & Nevis passport they’re wrong. Things have changed and it is truly a progressive change. Today, and it is only normal due to computers and internet development, you can apply for a passport online. That’s right.
There is no need to fly to the island or to pull any sort of move from your home. Everything can be arranged from your desktop computer. You can do it from a laptop and even from your smartphone. All you need to do is to ensure that you deliver all the necessary documentation. The application files can be attained through an immigration agent, in the embassy, or from your immigration lawyer if you hired one.
Another amazing aspect is that you do not have to go to the Caribbean to pick up your passport. If you wish so, it can be delivered to you personally via post. So, as you can see technology has affected it positively, but that’s not the end of it. While we continue with our article, if you have any additional questions you can find most of the answers here

St Kitts & Nevis was a pioneer in this domain. They were first in the Caribbean with a CBI program. They did it back in 1984. We already stated this. So, it is no wonder that they are pioneers in introducing this novelty too.
So, if you’re interested in applying for St Kitts & Nevis passport you need to know that now the biometric security check is a must. Why is this a necessity as of now? Well, it has everything to do with the safety and security of their citizens, both current and future ones. This change was introduced back in 2020 and it is now seen as due diligence that this country has towards its citizens.
While this is a new step for St Kitts & Nevis this type of technology has already been applied in many other countries. It is a great safety measure when it comes to various citizenship and immigration procedures. Biometric scans are already becoming common practice at many borders across the world. They are also a centerpiece of cooperation on immigration issues between Thailand and Malaysia. This was also one of the first instances where a biometric check proved its value. It helped discover eight fake passports in only three days of operational function.
Global Mobility

The main thing with the application for a St Kits & Nevis passport happens later on when you receive it. The benefits of owning one are greater than ever. You’ll be able to travel to one of the world’s 156 countries. But, the benefits surpass only traveling.
You’ll have a permit to remain on UK soil for six months during one stay. This is a massive benefit when you know how strict are the UK immigration laws. If you’re aiming for this passport as your second choice you need to know that it is a highly reputable one.
This fact is also proven by the fact that you’ll be able to reside in any of the fifteen Caribbean countries at will without restrictions. All of this ties well with the fact that as of now all of the passports issued by St Kits & Nevis are biometric ones. This increases their value by adding additional safety and security.
In a situation like this, the risks of forgery are nonexistent or very slim. The technology of e-passports or digital passports if you want to call them that is a future for most world’s countries and it is nice seeing that St Kitts & Nevis is leading the revolution.