You know there’s a problem, you think you have a solution, and now you just need to develop the idea and grow your startup. This just a beginning and many startups get stuck there unsure how to take their idea to the next level. Some decide to get through it on their own, while some turn to venture capitals like this one here. It can be overwhelming, time-consuming, and challenging, but there are some strategies that have been proven to be effective. You just have to know where to look. Everything about the process of building a successful startup is pretty fast-paced. In around 6 months, you can already know whether or not your idea is going to work.
The main three things you need to do are:
- Find a problem you want to solve
- Research the market and check if there really is a problem or you’re the only one seeing it
- Offer a solution

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Once you’ve completed that and have made sure you have a solution, it’s time to think about your next steps. Many founders have a hard time figuring out how to grow from there. There isn’t a “one size fits all” type of strategy or hack that will work well enough for all startups. Every startup is unique and requires its own unique strategy. We’re all about shortcuts, hacks, and doing everything as fast as possible. However, startups require patience and for you to think everything over twice. Here’s what you need to keep in mind.
1. What worked for others, won’t necessarily work for you as well. One hack brought one startup to a whole new level, but their target audience isn’t the same as yours. Their idea isn’t the same as yours, and neither is the goal. Do look at and research your competition, but don’t try to copy their strategy. You can always consult the professionals committed to helping startups grow, such as the ones from and ask for help.
2. Partner with the skeptics. They can draw your attention to the things that don’t quite work and maybe even propose a change. It’s good to have the wind in your back in the form of people telling you how everything is amazing, but skeptics are the ones that will truly help you grow. As your business matures, consider the potential for co-selling with a product company that complements yours. To learn more, visit WorkSpan.

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3. Team up with the right people. You need a diverse team, made up of people from different areas such as marketing, computer engineering, HR, and management, but you also need people with different personalities. People who think differently are the key to success. You also need everyone to be enthusiastic about the solution you’re working on.
4. Define your customer persona and choose the proper channels for your presence. Making your customer persona means creating a profile of your typical customer. For example, your customer persona can be female, 25 years old, just finished her studies, and is looking for a job. She is typically using Instagram and Facebook, has a pet, and loves watching funny videos online. Think about where your persona hangs out, what their hobbies are, and how you can approach them with your product or service.
Once you have your customer persona well defined, start finding ways to reach them.