When we create business documents, we can use a variety of formats to do so. It makes it that much harder to choose the right one, every time. But there are ways to know which one would fit the job best.
First, you have to ask yourself a few basic questions, which we will now enumerate. Afterward, we will also look at the most important formats that are commonly used in business and what they are meant to do.
Changing the Format of a Document
Before we explain how to choose the right format for each document being created at work, it is important to note that it is also possible to modify and save a document in another format than the one it was first created in. For example, you can easily transfer a document from Word to PDF function in Smallpdf by using an online tool. It is a simple process that anyone can benefit from.
All you have to do is to choose the file that you want from the menu or drag it and drop it into a box on the website. Once that is done, the online software will do the rest. In other words, if someone requests that you send them a given document in a precise format, don’t worry, there are usually easy solutions to make the switch from one format to another.
Which Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing the Format of A Document

Source: womenshealthmag.com
Before you start working on a document, there are three questions that you should ask yourself. They will provide the necessary guidelines to you in order to make the right choice.
What type of information will it include?
This is certainly the most important question that you will have to answer. The response will probably require that you prefer one format over another. If you are about to prepare a document that will read as a letter, Word should be your number one solution.
However, if the document is meant to provide someone with numbers, such as financial data, a spreadsheet or a chart, it would be more appropriate to call upon the Excel software to complete your task. And if what you desire is to create a presentation in which you will need to insert photos, texts, graphics and more, then PowerPoint will be the tool that you will choose.
Who is the recipient of the document?
As a second step, you will need to define who the audience will be. It is possible to present the same information in a variety of ways. If the people who will have access to your document are not particularly savvy in regards to your industry or your company, you may want to keep it simple and leave it as a text format (Word).
But if you are addressing professionals, it may be best to use all the tools that you have at your disposals (texts, graphics, images, etc.), in order to impress them (PowerPoint).
What is the Purpose of the Document?

Source: bbplaw.attorney
The purpose of your document will also influence your choice of format. Addressing customers, suppliers, investors or colleagues will require a completely different creation format. With clients, you often need for your documents to be visually striking. Therefore, you may want to use formats that are of a higher level in terms of design creation, such as Illustrator or Photoshop (if you know how to use them).
Suppliers will most often require data from you, so Excel will be called upon, which should also be the case for investors. In regards to colleagues, you will need to clarify the two questions above, if you want to know the precise answer in regards to the right format to use.
What are the Most Common Formats Used?
Some of the most common formats used for documents include Microsoft Word, Portable Document Format (PDF), PowerPoint and Excel. They have become popular not only in business settings but also in academics and research. Here is what you need to know about each of them.

Source: benchmark.rs
Word is the ideal format to create letters, memos, reports and other types of documents that require formatting and editing. The Word processing software allows users to create and edit text documents. It is much appreciated by its users because it provides useful tools such as spell and grammar checkers, font styles and page layout options. It also allows users to insert images, tables, charts and hyperlinks.

Source: techradar.com
We use the PDF format often these days, yet most of us don’t know what the letters in its acronym refer to. They stand for Portable Document Format. Indeed, that is why it is so popular.
It can travel from one pair of hands to another while being protected so that viewers don’t make changes on them (although it is possible to do so by using the right tools). And so, this format is best for documents that need to be shared or printed without being edited, such as legal contracts, invoices and resumes to name but a few of an extremely large variety.

Source: me.pcmag.com
The PowerPoint format is perfect for creating presentations, sales pitches and marketing materials. It is software that is frequently used by people who work in the sales department, but also by company founders, as they need to explain their company to investors and potential clients, from the moment they start their business.
Because it offers various design templates, slide layouts, and animation effects, it helps users to enhance their presentation, in order to get that “wow” effect that they are looking for. It also enables users to present their documents remotely, which has become an absolute necessity in this day and age.

Source: yourstory.com
Finally, the Excel format is suitable for creating spreadsheets and financial reports. It allows users to organize, analyze and manipulate data. To do so, it uses formulas, charts, and graphics which are commonly used for financial analysis, budgeting, data entry, and many other objectives that accounting and finance may have a use for. Its strength is that it can automate tasks and proceed to complex calculations, which saves time and improves accuracy.