Category: Technology
How TytoHome compares with the Covid-19 is hitting seniors the hardest. For example, in the United States, 80% of deaths associated with COVID-19 are among adults aged 65 …
Cybersecurity is one of the most crucial aspects of our lives today. In today’s time, technology has taken over almost every aspect of every different and unique field of …
There is absolutely no doubt that technology has changed our lives in more than one way. We are not only talking about numerous smart devices that we use on …
Music has vastly been used as a form of self-expression, a means to communicate, transcending time, and multiple barriers. With so significant a role to fill, it only makes …
Since the Gutenberg constructed the first typing copy press machine in the 15th century, it brought a revolution that affected various aspects of our lives, especially education and law. …
Let us put it this way, the autonomous robots have had it with the restrictions of the laboratory environments and are ready to test their impacts in the real …
Newbie blockchain users frequently ask that question: what is the “proof of work” in blockchain and why is it so cool? Let’s explain that shortly. Proof-of-Work, or PoW, is …
We live in a technology-driven era, so it is quite normal that the use of electronic accessories and gadgets increased in recent years. Starting from small things such as …
Nowadays, people are so into many great things to save up. Starting from captured memories down to secret files need in a business. It is great to save them …